Work In Progress
Live-Streamed Performance - 2022
Performed at Scratch|Meet 4 - 2022
Devised by Late to the Party
Illustrated by Liza Stevens
Work In Progress is the first piece devised by Late to the Party. It is a work in progress, about work in progress by a work in progress.
The performance is a new piece of devised theatre but it is also an act of recovery. It is a step into becoming and feeling better after a long time of not feeling able.
It’s short but it’s defiant. It’s making a start to starting again.
The initial performance was a live-stream for three close friends. Mostly to make sure it “wasn't s***” and it turns out it wasn't. It was a moment of returning home.
The next performances are planned to branch out a little and to welcome more people to watch it. One will be live-streamed and another in a space with other people. These performances are about building (little by little) a process, confidence, maybe a community.
Upcoming Performances
This is a work-in-progress stream of a piece called Work In Progress which is about being a work-in-progress. We've been using this piece to explore both in person performances and now streaming to reach audiences a bit more further afield.
Photo from Scratch|Meet 4. Joni is standing wrapped up in LED lights. They have a white-ish blue-ish glow. Iain Scott is playing a guitar in the corner.
A photo from Scratch|Meet 4. Joni is standing with a bundle of LED lights in her right hand. Her left arm is out stretched behind her with a string of LED. Behind her is a mic stand which is also wrapped up in LEDs. The LED's have a white-ish blue-ish glow. They look like stars
A photo from Scratch|Meet 4. Joni is standing wrapped up in LED's in the middle of a monologue. The LED's have a white-ish, blue-ish glow and look like a constellation of stars